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Itinerary file

Early Christian Verona

Itinerario di tipo: Urban journey


Verona has always been an important area for the Christian cult, even when the Roman age finished (characterized by the city siege during Massenzio and Costantino’s fight – 312 A.D.- ). This trail will bring you to the following most ancient early Christian houses of worship of Verona, located in a peripheral area: S. Procolo, built at the end of the 5th century – beginning of the 6th century A.D. in a cemeterial area in the west part of the town center; the Duomo area where the earliest basilica had been built in the first half of the 6th century, then followed by numerous churches of bigger dimensions until the construction of the 9th century Cathedral; the Hypogean of S. Maria in Stelle, adapted (since the beginning of the 5th century) as a chapel in a site of a 3rd century funeral/nymphaeum monument. By visiting these very ancient churches you can better understand the Christianity origin and discover how the passage from Pagan culture to the new religion occurred.

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Tappe del percorso

This trip will last one day traveling by car and walking: 12,5 km in total. From S. Procolo church (you can easily park nearby it) it is suggested driving to Borgo Trento-Centro Città (city center) direction and parking at S. Giorgio in Braida area; from this point you can reach on foot (Ponte Garibaldi, via Arcidiacono Pacifico) piazza Duomo and the Cathedral archeological area. Then get the car again to reach S. Maria in Stelle and drive to Borgo Venezia district; take the SP6 from Valpantena to Quinto, then turn right to S. Maria in Stelle direction.